Thank you for your interest in my services!
My name is Gemma, and I am the person behind Barcino Translations.
I have a wealth of experience in translation and I have worked in a variety of roles in the past, including translation project management, as well as many years as a freelance translator.
As well as translation, I have almost 20 years' experience working in cross-country, multilanguage business software projects for several major multinationals, particularly supporting the implementation of ERP systems, product integration and data migration.
I am ISO 17100:2015 Qualified, status which demonstrates that I am a professional translator, I am committed to maintain the highest standards of quality and my skills and knowledge are maintained and updated.
Languages and translation are my passion. I consider myself privileged to be able to work in this field, combining this passion with my interest in digital technology, my background in humanities and my business IT and corporate experience.